Torn-up sweet pancake

Torn-up sweet pancake
Ingredients for 4 servings:
300 ml of Mu milk
200 ml of Mu Cuisine sweet cream
3 eggs
250 g of flour (half sharp, half smooth)
vanilla sugar roll
40 g of crystal sugar
10 g of powdered sugar
lemon peel
fat for frying
30 g of raisins
30 g of dried pears
30 g of dried prunes
30 g of dried dates
Cut the dried fruit into smaller pieces and marinate it with a liqueur, sweet wine or brandy. Mix the egg yolks and flour in half of the milk. Add salt, vanilla sugar, half of the crystal sugar and the grated peel of a cleaned lemon and dry fruit. Mix everything well. Add the remaining milk and leave it for 10 minutes. Whip the egg whites until hard with the remaining sugar and gently add everything to the mass. Heat the fat in a pan, pour the dough on it and place the pan in the oven, heated to 180 °C. Let the dough rise and become golden brown. Torn-up the sweet pancake with forks, add butter and fry it a bit more on the stove. At the end, sprinkle it with powdered sugar and serve it with cream sauce and whipped sweet cream, which you can pour over the sweet pancake with the desired fruit sauce.
Cream sauce: add a bit of sugar to the cream and cook it on low heat so that a third of it evaporates. Spice it with cloves, star anise and vanilla husk, if preferred.