- 1956Establishment of Ljubljanske Mlekarne as a company of Glavna zadružna zveza Slovenije (Main Cooperative Union of Slovenia).
- 1957Ljubljanske Mlekarne starts producing yoghurt, cream, cottage cheese and cheese.
- 1958Ljubljanske Mlekarne becomes the first company in the former country to start the industrial production of ice cream. The Lučka ice cream on a stick was among the first.
- 1965A new plant for production of long-life milk is opened and ice cream production is modernized. From the former drinking milk dairy an industrial dairy is developed, with numerous dairy products for the wider Yugoslav market.
- 1967Ljubljanske Mlekarne begins the production of long-life Alpine milk.
- 1974By incorporating the largest suppliers of milk, Ljubljanske Mlekarne becomes the largest food processing and agricultural organization in Slovenia.
- 1986Numerous technological improvements enable production of new ice creams, cheeses, yoghurt, and later ice tea.
- 1997An extensive reconstruction of the factory for production of long-life products. Ljubljanske Mlekarne is the first Slovene dairy to get the ISO 9001 certificate.
- 2000Acquisition of Gorenjske Mlekarne.
- 2001Acquisition of Mariborska Mlekarna.
- 2002Reconstruction and concentration of factories is completed.
- 2003Ljubljanske Mlekarne builds a new brand architecture and according with their values a new corporate slogan is selected “Tradition. Care. Reliability.” Ljubljanske Mlekarne acquires the ISO 14001 certificate. With the acquisition of a majority share of dairies in Tuzla the story of Ljubljanske Mlekarne Group begins.
- 2004After heavy investment activities, the start-up of modernized production begins in the PPM Tuzla affiliated company. An affiliated company starts business in Zagreb, Croatia. A new brand architecture for ice creams is set up.
- 2005End of the extensive investment cycle into the technological-technical modernization of preparation and bottling of fresh milk and fermented products.
- 2006Ljubljanske Mlekarne successfully enters the Italian market, where they acquire regular buyers of their products. The production of semi-hard cheeses is moved from Maribor to Kočevje. Construction and start-up of an automated high-shelf warehouse in the Ljubljana unit.
- 2007Fulfilment of the programme for the modernization of the company. The Alpine milk brand celebrates its 40th anniversary.
- 2008Establishment of a new architecture of all brands with an update of our green line of products with a new image and a new name – MU. The legendary Lučka ice cream on a stick celebrates its 50th birthday. The Shikoko bottling line, which allows for the bottling of products with an extended expiry date, is installed and started up in the Ljubljana unit.
- 2009Installation and start-up of a new line for manufacturing and bottling of plastic bottles. The Planica family ice-cream celebrates its 35th birthday.
- 2010The Maxim Premium brand with the slogan “Your unique pleasure” celebrates its 15th anniversary.
- 2011Ljubljanske Mlekarne celebrates 55 years since its establishment and 15 years of the Ego brand. The beginning of an investment worth EUR 14.5 million for the renovation of the factory for the production of long-life products in the Ljubljana unit.
- 2012We celebrate 45 years of the Alpine milk brand with un update of the packaging and graphics. We successfully conclude the refurbishment of the factory for the production of long-life products.
- 2013Ljubljanske Mlekarne joins the Lactalis Group, one of the largest dairy groups in the world. Our most popular ice cream, the Lučka ice cream on a stick, celebrates its 55th birthday.
- 2016We celebrate our 60th birthday.
- 2017Wearing the famous Alpsko Mleko helmet, Ilka Štuhec becomes world downhill skiing champion and wins two crystal globes on the year of Alpsko Mleko’s 50th anniversary.